You know that some people just arn't funny, they think they are, but no they arn't. Millions of people tell me these lame jokes, some of them are really serouis about there jokes, so Imma have to lie and give a fake laugh.. People people people listen up, DON'T GIVE ME LAME JOKES, or there will be consqences, which will give you PAIN. If you don't give em any jokes, thank you.
Now if ya got some jokes, it better be good i'll tell you why........
1. do you like children coming up to you everyday saying " hey teacher you wanna hear a joke" " sure " " knock knock
whos there
me who
just me
knock knock
who's there
you who
just you and me............
Next time when someone gives you a joke, just walkaway
Wow! I don't get the laughter of that joke. Anyway you have got some capital letters and lower case letters in the wrong place. Good advice. Bye!